Day-A-Thon October 2020

Hi Blisses, It's been a while since we did Day-A-Thon and I believe it's about time we do it again. Besides we're in the last quarillter of the year now and our TBR lists are still long. But first, what is Day-A-Thon? Day-A-Thon is a 24-Hour Readathon that my friend, Nori (Bibliophilist Chronicles) and I … Continue reading Day-A-Thon October 2020

Hour Zero + TBR (Day-A-Thon May 2020) #24HourReadathon

Hi Blisses, Yay!!! It's time. Few days ago, I posted that Nori from Diary of a Book Fiend and I are doing our Day-A-Thon again. Day-A-Thon is our version of a 24-Hour Readathon and if you want to know more about it or join us, you can visit THIS POST. It's officially 8 p.m. where … Continue reading Hour Zero + TBR (Day-A-Thon May 2020) #24HourReadathon

Day-A-Thon May 2020 (#24HourReadathon)

Hi guys, Nori from Diary of a Book Fiend and I decided to have our Day-A-Thon again. First of all, what is Day-A-Thon? Day-A-Thon is our version of a 24-Hour Readathon. Supposedly, we do it every last weekend of the month but sometimes we're both busy, we skip a month or two. Which is fine, because … Continue reading Day-A-Thon May 2020 (#24HourReadathon)

Day-A-Thon Wrap-Up (February 2020)

Hi Blisses, Yay!!! We finished our first day-a-thon for this year. As you all know Day-A-Thon is our version of a 24-Hour Readathon. I do this with Nori from Diary of a Book Fiend and we always try to do it every last weekend of the month. Last month we didn't have time to do … Continue reading Day-A-Thon Wrap-Up (February 2020)

Day-A-Thon [November 2018]

Hi Guys, Our 24-Hour Readathon got a name now. Day-A -Thon. I know, i know, it's not the most original name but I can't think of any. And I don't have time because I'm remodelling my blog and I want this readathon to have its own menu. So it needs a name. haha. Anyway, NorikoΒ @Diary … Continue reading Day-A-Thon [November 2018]