2021 Reading Challenges I’m Joining

Hi Blisses,

What are the reading challenges you’re doing this year? I know this post is late. We’re almost halfway through 2021 but I can’t not post this. Besides, I’ve just joined most of these challenges last month. Yep, I’m soooo late in everything this year. I thought 2020 was the worst year but 2021 is proving me wrong.

But let me talk books. I missed reading. All I’ve read so far this year are books for blog tours.They are great books and I enjoyed reading them but I also missed my reading life before. I used to read 15 books a month. Heck, my highest record is 28 books and it was February two years ago. I missed that, not because I missed having a high record but the fact that I was driven to read. It used to be like reading is a part of me and it should be. I’m an aspiring author. I should read, and read, and read.

With these reading challenges, I’m hoping to be challenged to read more and I’m posting everything here for accountability. I really hope that joining these challenges helps me in some way. So without further ado, here are the reading challenges I’m joining this year.

1.) POPSUGAR Reading Challenge

This reading challenge has 50 prompts (40 Reagular prompts and 10 Advanced ones). The Advanced prompts are really hard but I’d be lying if I say that the Regular prompts are easy. They’re NOT. And every year, the prompts are getting harder and harder. That makes me love this reading challenge even more. The more challenging, the better. Every year, I come close to finishing all 50 prompts and even though I joined late this year, I’m still hoping I cross off at least 30 prompts. Last year, I crossed out 41 prompts so maybe 30 isn’t that preposterous. LOL.

Her’s my SIGN-UP POST if you want to know more about this reading challenge and to see my progress. But please don’t check it now, I haven’t updated it yet. LOL. 🙂

2.) AtoZ Reading Challenge

This reading challenge is a no-brainer but that doesn’t make this easy. First, 26 titles for 26 alphabets is plenty. Second, there are letters that are hard to find titles for, such as X and Z. But I’ve been joining this challenge in the last three years and I almost always finish it so I’m hopeful. This reading challenge is hosted by mom and daughter blogger duo and if you want to know more about this reading challenge, head over to THIS POST. Here’s MY SIGN UP post to show you my progress.

3.) TBR Tackle Challenge

This challenge aims to help us readers to tackle our never-ending TBRs. To be honest, this is one of the hardest reading challenges I joined. Why, there’s no definite rule but to tackle our TBRs. And as readers and book bloggers, we know how hard it is to do just that. Like I said our TBRs are never-ending. But to make this challenge even more challenging, the hosts come up with 5 prompts each month, which I love. Here’s my SIGN-UP post if you want to track my progress with me and if you want to know more about this challenge, head over to THIS POST.

4.) Goodreads Reading Challenge

I once finished 250 books for this reading challenge before, but so far this year, I’ve only just read 13 books. 13 books and we’re halfway through 2021. But anyway, I pledged 150 books this year and hopefully, no, I’m not hoping at all that I will finish 150 books this year. LOL.

5.) Netgalley Shelf

I know there are reading challenges involving Netgalley ARCs but I initially set this challenge just for myself. I still have ARCs from last year and I really need to motivate myself more to read them. But I have friends on Twitter who are also going through their Netgalley ARCs and so they made a group to encourage and check on each other’s Netgalley shelf. They had me joined them.
Right now, I have 65 ARCs in my shelf and 71% Feedback Ratio but I requested a bunch last week and it’s about time I get responses from publishers. A part of me want them to deny me but it’s great if I get approved. LOL.

By the way, guys, I’m still raising funds for my cat’s medical bills. She has cancer and taking radiation treatments. Needless to say, her bills are expensive. If you can help, I will really appreciate that. Or maybe just RT my pinned tweet on Twitter. The links are below if you want to help.

Paypal: maricelgasga@yahoo.com
Tweet (For RT): https://twitter.com/lilikmarcus/status/1384065579011563526
Ko-Fi: https://ko-fi.com/page_cat

Are you familiar with these reading challenges? What do you think of them? Are you joining them too? Let’s chat.

15 thoughts on “2021 Reading Challenges I’m Joining

  1. I used to do the popsugar challenge but tried a different one this year called 52 Book Challenge and it is fun. I am also doing the A to Z challenge and thought I had a Z book ready to go then the publisher changed the title. Good luck Lili.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Is the 52 Book Challenge the one book for each week? I think I saw that one. Lol that’s so funny that the publisher changed the title. We can ask each other if one finds titles for difficult letters. 🙂


      1. Yes it is set up that you can read one a week and then be able to read them all, but there is not stipulation that you have to read one a week for 52 weeks. I have over 30 read already because I want to finish by the end of September. I know, I liked the new title, but it messed up my “z” title.

        Liked by 1 person

  2. I totally understand you.. I feel like I read so much more when I was younger, before my mental health declined, though I don’t have any record of that. slowly but surely getting it back up though!

    Wierdly, i’d saw for me the tackle your TBR one is easier than the ones with prompts… mostly because as I don’t read fantasy (or can’t yet), I can’t figure out which book to pick for which prompts x) being a mood reader, I feel it also didn’t help rofl.
    This year I just went with the goodread challenge, beat the backlist & audiobook challenge.

    Goodluck xx

    Liked by 1 person

    1. It’s my mental health for me too. It affects my reading so much. Aaaand I shoud’ve joined the audiobook challenge. This year, I want to try other formats/genres of books so more audiobooks and comics/mangas. 🙂

      Goodluck to your challenges too. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  3. I am wishing you the best of luck. I am only doing the goodreads reading challenge and I put mine to 150, I have heard of all of the challenges that you’re doing. My reading has also taken a turn this year. I have no clue why. But I do hope that you’re reading speed picks back up for you here really soon. Good luck with you’re reading challenges

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