5 Fantasy Books with 500+ Pages

Hi Blisses,

Top 5 Series, is hosted by Amanda from Devouring Books. We’ve been following each other for a while now, here and on Twitter too, but only this month I’ve learned that she do this every week. If you want to know more about this meme, or to simply read some amazing posts, I really recommend her blog. Anyway, there’s some rules if you want to participate, though I am sure these aren’t really strictly implemented. I, myself, am a rule-breaker.


1.) Share your top 5 books of the current topic– these can be books that you want to read, have read and loved, have read and hated, you can do it any way you want.
2.) Tag the original post (This one!)
3.) Tag 5 people

Obviously, this is my first time doing this and I can say, I didn’t make a lot of effort for it. hehe. I literally just looked at the shelf near my writing desk and listed the first 5 books that have 500+ pages. I didn’t even bother going to the living room where larger shelves of mine are. But anyway, all of the books below are in hardcover edition, that’s why they’re in my room where I write. I just love looking at beautiful books while writing. But I’m not here to tell you about my writing, let’s get down to the list before I get sidetracked again. And oh, I decided to focus on one genre which in this case, FANTASY.

1.) Children of Blood and Bone by Tomi Adeyemi. (544 pages)

I think most of us will agree that this is one of the best books of 2018. Those who have read had surely cheered for Zelie as she tries to bring back magic in Orisha and also ended up, fighting her inner self as she learns how to control her magic.
I first read it on Kindle and then ordered the physical copy because I liked it and look at that cover. My shelf loved it.

2.) The Name of the Wind by Patrick Rothfuss (662 pages)

I never thought I’d find another high fantasy that I would love with all my heart, but here it is. Let me tell you about this book. It has an original, amazing world, side characters that are too unforgettable to just dub them as side characters, a plot that I was so drawn in, I felt like I’m a part of the story, and above all, a main character, Kvothe, who is a genius, too clever and brilliant, too sassy and has a very distinct voice, I can always pick him among other characters. He’s just very well-written and so did his story. This is one of my all-time favorite books and Kvothe, one of my favorite characters of all time.

3.) American Gods by Neil Gaiman (522 pages)

Confession: I don’t even like this book. I learned earlier that Mr. Gaiman’s books and Me are not for each other. I know he’s a great writer but his works are not for me. I swear, i struggled a lot while reading this book. I wanted to DNF it but that time, I still have a rule not DNF a book so I kept reading and kept dozing. For the first time in my life, I read a book that lasted a week. I always read books in one or two sitting.

4.) The High Lord by Trudi Canavan (656 pages)

I really, really love this cover along with the other covers in the trilogy. This is the last book in the trilogy, and my favorite. The series is about a girl who entered a magician’s guild where she learned magic and in this last instalment, she became closer to the High Lord, who ultimately, became her love interest. The series has its own flaws but the High Lord is actually my favorite character because he’s an antihero. He’s also so mysterious.

5.) Beautiful Creatures by Kami Garcia (563 pages)

OK, I haven’t really read this one even though I have the whole series in my shelf. I think I bought them merely for their covers without any plan of reading them. I can’t pinpoint why but they remind me of Twilight which I’m not a fan of. 🙂 Now, as I write this post, I realized I should’ve looked for another book that I actually read already. hehe. But like I said, I only take the first 5 books with 500+ pages I saw in my shelf. 🙂

There you have it guys. hope you enjoy reading this post as much as I enjoyed writing it. 🙂

What do you think of these books? have you read them? Or planning to? Are you doing the Top 5 Series as well? Share your links. Let’s chat.

24 thoughts on “5 Fantasy Books with 500+ Pages

  1. I’ve read and love The Name of the Wind, American Gods, and The High Lord. About the latter, Trudi Canavan is such an amazing fantasy author and I think more people should talk about her work! I try to talk about her books as much as I can (without driving people crazy!) on my site. Great choices in this Top 5!

    Liked by 1 person

        1. I haven’t read that and for a vain reason. I only own the first two books and I decided I’ll read the whole trilogy when I get a copy of book 3. But I want the same edition as the first 2 books to look good in my shelf, problem is, I bought them on a secondhand bookshop and I can’t find the same edition for book 3. Like I said, vain.

          But you kinda convinced me to read the series now, it’s been a while since I last read a Canavan’s.

          Liked by 1 person

          1. Haha yeah, I have paperback copies of the first two and a hardcover for the third! It drives me mad but it was so worth it for the stories. I hope you pick it up again! You made me want to write about one of her trilogies actually so I now have a post scheduled for wednesday!!

            Liked by 1 person

            1. Thank you! I had a question about guest posting which I sent through the contact bit of your website. I don’t know if it works which is why I’m commenting it! (My contact form is always messing up!)

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            2. I just got your message. 🙂 I’m totally in. I’m okay with guest posting but it would be next month. I’ll have her books on my October TBR and I’m not sure what kind of post it would be. A review would be nice but who knows if I/we can come up with another idea.

              Let’s stay in touch.
              My email: lilikmarcus@yahoo.com
              And you can find me in any other social media platforms just by typing lilikmarcus

              Liked by 1 person

  2. I totally get what you’re saying about Gaiman. I’ve struggled with every book of his that I have tried to read, with the ONE exception of Neverwhere. It’s pure, unadulterated magic. And I don’t understand how I could love it so much, yet not the others. It’s a total mystery to me.

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