The Brotherhood of the World Award

Happy Tuesday Guys,

So recently  I was nominated by my amazing friend here on blogosphere, Priyasha of Books and Co. with this lovely award and I’m elated.

Thank you Priyasha *hugs*. 🙂


So this is how the award works:

°Thank the person who nominated you and link back to their blog.
°Answer the questions sent to you.
°Nominate around ten bloggers.
°Create your set of questions for your nominees.
°List the rules and display the Brotherhood Of The World logo in your post.

The rules seemed to me as giving or sharing back the love given to the awardee..

So let’s move on to the questions so I can share the love already:

*These are Priyasha’s question for me*

1.) Briefly explain your blogging style (where your favorite blogging spot/tools – as in, on the couch using your smartphone or something).

—As most of you know, I stay at home these days due to several issues. I usually post at night and in my laptop which usually stays IN my writing desk. Yep, you heard it right. I said IN my writing desk. Have I already shared that I converted a part of my closet into a writing/reading nook?
2.) How do you manage your blogging time including blog reading time?

—I have plenty of time to blog actually. And I usually read blogs after posting. 🙂
3.) Who is your most read author?

—Oh My God, this is actually a hard question but this is how I read. If I read one of a certain author’s book and liked it, I’d usually end up reading all the works of the author. 
4.) How did you come up with your blog name?

—I’ve always wanted to blog and have an amazing name. Originally, I have a blog called Liliswordyplanet which is a great name for a bookish blog, isn’t it? But I have this minor issue about orderliness. I always sort things. It turned out I can’t manage posting my personal, motivational, inspirational and bookish posts all in one blog, so I had to make another one. Lili’s Blissful Pages turned out to be more fitting for bookish stuffs so tada!!! By the way, my other blog ended up with personal and inspirational posts. You can check it out if you want to know me more though I’m not that interesting.
5.) What keeps you blogging?

—It’s not even reading and books. It’s my depression. Blogging helps me a lot to get through everyday. The friendships I make online are just a great help. 

So that’s it…

Now my questions for the people I tagged:

  1. The reason why you start your blog.
  2. How did you come up with your blog name?
  3. What’s your most read genre?
  4. Which do you enjoy more; reading or writing?
  5. Do you have a favorite reading spot and where? And why is it your favorite?

I nominate: 

Claire from Cupofbooksblog      Chelle @Chellesbookramblings

Kerrie @comfyreading                  Cassie @rantsandravesofabibliophile

Amber @Step into a Book World     Savannah @readsavread

Cathy @WhatCathyreadnext

That’s all guys…

Thanks again Priyasha for nominating me. I want to tag more but of you have already been tagged. 🙂 🙂




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