The Sunshine Blogger Award #2

Hi Bookish Friends,


Another award. Obviously I’m catching up on Awards because I’ve been putting them for so long already. (Sorry guys) Now since it’s Summer where I live, I think this award fits the season. This one’s courtesy of a dear friend, Noriko @BookFiendSite, Thank you Noriko. Guys if you’re not following her blog yet, please do now. You’re missing a lot. 🙂 🙂


♦♦♦     ♦♦♦     ♦♦♦     ♦♦♦   ♦♦♦   ♦♦♦


1. Write about it on your blog and thank the person who nominated you (Do tag him/her). Write about their blog too.
2. Display the award on your blog.
3. Answer the questions provided to you.

4. Nominate 5 – 10 people and provide questions for them as well.
5. Let the nominees know that you’ve nominated them by linking to a post.

Without further ado…

Noriko’s Questions:

1. If you could use magic (only one), what would that be and why?

Invisibility. I think if no one sees me, I’d be invincible… I don’t know why that’s my thinking. Clearly I have plenty of issues.. Me and my inferiority. But really, invisible-invincible. Make sense to me.

2. If you could live in a fictional world, what would that be and why? 

Middle Earth. Oh you know why. 🙂 🙂 🙂


3. What is the drink of your choice when reading?


4. Name the place you really want to visit right now.

Ahm, Hogwarts. I’m kidding, I really want to visit some place so quiet. Okay maybe, LIBRARY. An Empty Library.

—-Yeah I know I can be more creative than this but all I have in mind right now is writing my novel and a library so quiet and so empty would be heaven for me. 🙂

5. Name the moment you want to cherish throughout your life (if you don’t mind sharing with us, that is).

Whenever I visit my parents and my other three siblings are there too, we always play cards at night. With money involve. Just to be clear, there’s no gambler in my family. Hahaha. But it’s always fun whenever we play cards especially when someone’s already losing too much. Then the next day, the winner would always treat the whole family. Clearly, the game is really just for fun.

6. What is your biggest bookish pet peeve?

Dog ears. I mean, why ruin the page when there are plenty of stuffs around us that can be used as bookmark?

7. Tell me your favorite/least favorite book genre.

Ahm Nonfiction?

8. What is your recent milestone? (it doesn’t have to be blog-related)

I actually made a map for my fantasy novel. And I hung it on the wall above my desk. It motivates me to work better on my story. It’s not perfect but I don’t mind. Also, it’s not yet final. 🙂

9. Tell us a bit about yourself! (We really want to get to know YOU!)

I don’t eat fish… or most seafoods…

10. What are your passions in life?

I want to write. I’ve always known what I want to achieve since I was a kid – I want my work to be published. All writers want the same. But if we’re talking about PASSION, then it isn’t to be published- it’s WRITING itself. The process of thinking, formulating plot points, being led by my characters and making mistakes all throughout. I LOVE, love, LOVE it all. 🙂 🙂 🙂

OMG you guys, while answering this last question, The Climb by Miley Cyrus suddenly played from my phone. It’s on shuffle. It’s a good omen guys. haha.

My nominees:

Zoe @Home of Indie Authors
Bree @Bree’s Books
Clarissa @TheQuirkyLadyBookworm
Jasmine @Howusefulitis

My Questions:

1. What’s your earliest memory?
2. If your life is a book, what’s its title?
3. Who’s your favorite person? And why?
4. Share a quirk of yours. That is if you have any. 🙂
5. What’s your favorite social medium? (mine’s twitter)
6. What’s the sweetest thing someone has ever done to you?
7. Beach or mountain? Meaning swim or hike/climb? 
8. Who’s your favorite character/s at the moment? (can be from books, films or shows)
9. What’s your ideal birthday celebration?
10. What was/is your favorite subject in school?

There you have it guys… I really enjoyed this. Thanks again Noriko.

Noriko and I will be having a 24-Hour Readathon on March 30-31. i’m still not sure who’s joining us but everyone is welcome. In fact we want EVERYONE to join. To know more , please wait for our announcement post one of these days. 🙂

That’s it guys. Have a great week ahead.







15 thoughts on “The Sunshine Blogger Award #2

  1. Yay, you did the award post! Wow, I didn’t know you don’t eat fish or seafood!
    Likewise you, I feel like I’m invincible if I am invisible. We could pull a lot of pranks (not nasty ones, but funny-ha-ha-ones) if we were invisible!!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I don’t eat much seafood either and people always joke about it! But I live only near lakes, so I don’t think it’s that big of a deal. I loved reading all your answers!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. thank you… Well, when people joke about it, I’d joke back that I was a siren once and so I can’t eat members of my race. lols. 🙂 🙂 I actually live in a country that’s literally surrounded by oceans so yeah this is weird.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Awe, thank you so much, Lili!💜🌸
    I can’t wait to do it again 🙂
    I shall do it soon.
    You have three siblings? That’s amazing💖
    Being an only child and being home-schooled gets pretty lonely😂🙈💜


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