Unforgettable Parables from My Friend Jesus (Blogmas #5)

Hi Blisses,

I have a friend and his name is Jesus. I’m sure you’ve heard of him and his upcoming birthday. πŸ™‚ And for the 5th day of #Blogmas, I’m sharing a bit about him.


Jesus likes telling stories, weird stories, that’s more like riddles to me. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚Β  Anyway, I decided to share some of his stories that for me, are unforgettable. These stories are called Parables. What is a ‘parable’?

Google says:

A simple story used to illustrate a moral or spiritual lesson, as told by Jesus in the Gospels.

When I was a kid, I often mistook it for a fable. I thought the only difference is that parables are in the Bible and fables are in my school books. In a way, it makes sense but still, that part of my life is something I’m trying to forget πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ It took me a while to understand that a fable is a story with a lesson but uses inanimate objects, animals or plants for characters, while parables use human beings.

Now that I got that out, let’s begin…

1.) The Prodigal Son (Luke 15: 11-32)

Nothing beats the love of a parent to his/her child. It’s a love that surpasses everything. An unconditional love amidst mistakes and failures. Of forgiveness and acceptance. And who doesn’t love a story of second chance. Now I love Romantic Love as much as the next person but for me, there’s just nothing beats the love of our parents to us.

2.) The Good Samaritan (LukeΒ  10:25-37)

Love doesn’t discriminate. It knows no race or differences. Yes, kindness is the main message of this parable but kindness is a fruit of love. It is impossible for anyone to show kindness without love. And this parable is timely. It will forever be timely because the issues regarding equality and discrimination will and should always be alive. The story of Good Samaritan should set an example that a race or any differences should not hinder us to do good things to others.

3.) the Lost Sheep (Luke 15:3-7)

I matter. You matter. This parables tells me that. A story of a shepherd who left his 99 sheep to find the lost one. If you ask me, that doesn’t make sense. But see, the shepherd loves ALL his sheep. The 99 would be fine because they were together, but the lost one? Maybe it was that sheep’s fault that it was lost but that doesn’t change the fact that that sheep is alone and doesn’t know where to go. The sheep needs the shepherd’s help and the shepherd knows this. And did you catch that part where it says the angels in the heaven rejoices when one sheep is found. I love thinking and believing that that’s how God values me. πŸ™‚

Hope you like my post today. And if you know these parables, let’s talk about them in the comments . What do they teach you? Or did you like them?Β Any problem with them? I’m an open-minded person. Being a reader from a young age did that to me. I can pretty much talk about everything, even if we have different opinions. And I really enjoy these parables and the others I didn’t mention. I remember when I was a kid, the Bible intimidates me but when I read the countless stories there, including the parables, I was amazed. I never really thought that these stories mean more than just riddles. πŸ˜‚

Okay let’s chat…


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