Top Ten Tuesday #11 – Top Ten Books I’ll Re-read Forever

Happy Tuesday Guys.

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So it’s Tuesday again. Time for another Top Ten Tuesday. This weekly meme is hosted by Jana from That Artsy Reader Girl, and if you haven’t checked her blog yet.. Well, now is the time. 🙂 Each week there’s new topic and this week’s ‘Books I Could Re-Read Forever’ (I did twist the title a little bit). And man do I love this topic. I mean if the word Re-Read is in Websters, you’ll probably see my name beside it. Hahaha. I know most of you can relate.

Truly, there are books that just stays with me long after I read them but I want to revisit them anyway because I just can’t get enough of them.

I know most of you agree with that. 🙂 🙂

So without further ado, here are…


*Spoilers ahead. BE WARNED!!!

1. Harry Potter Series By J.K. Rowling

3The whole series. This is actually an annual tradition for me. It’s always been since I read it when I was 18…Yep so it’s been 7 years now. This series, and maybe everyone will agree, is timeless. The story, the whole concept, the characters, everything in it is just unforgettable.
In my addiction to it, I even made it my mission to find the first editions of the all the seven. I already have them. 🙂 🙂 🙂

2. The Lord of the Rings Trilogy by J.R.R. Tolkien


This I don’t read every year, maybe every couple of years… This one is timeless as well, just like Harry Potter. The characters, the plot, THE WORLD… I really have a great respect to the author if this Trilogy (and also the Hobbit) It was so well-researched, well constructed. The Diverse Language. The magic. The creatures chosen to be part of this epic journey are all amazing. And all those endless aphorisms…
This trilogy is filled with countless lessons that I carry with myself from the moment I read them. 🙂 🙂

3. The Six of Crows Trilogy by Leigh Bardugo

By now, maybe my love for this duology is well-known to my followers and I’m sorry if I’m annoying you already. Actually, NOT Sorry. I won’t be sorry for loving Kaz, Inej, Nina, Matthias (Oh Matthias!!!), Jesper and Wylan. I mean, triple swoon times Two. 🙂 🙂

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Here are my reviews for these books:
1. Six of Crows
2. Crooked Kingdom

4. The Lunar Chronicles Series by Marissa Meyer

How can I not? This series was so enjoyable to read. Plus I love all the characters. From Cinder to Winter. From Kai to Jacin. And Iko, the cyborg. 🙂 And most of all Levana. Yeah  she’s evil. So evil. But so is Maleficent. And I love Maleficent. 🙂

5. The Help by Kathryn Stocket

4667024This book broke me into pieces. I’m emotionally-driven reader. I love books that really brings out any emotion from me. And this book did that in a way that no book has ever did, I don’t think I can explain this clear enough. Well, for me, a book is truly great, if it teaches me or shows me how to be a better person.
HP taught me how to Believe (and many other things).
LOTR taught me of Courage (and many other things).
SoC taught me so much about IDENTITY. (Now I want to talk about THIS)
Anyway, THE HELP taught me of Equality and what it means to be human. You guys have no idea how much I cried because of this book though I haven’t really been racially descriminated ever. But that’s the point, I’m not a victim, but does that mean, I don’t have to do something? Yep, this book made me dig deeper in ME.

I actually join a Local Bookstagram Contest featuring this book hosted by the leading bookstore here in my country, if you wanna check it out and read my explanation there. I kinda proud of what i’ve written there. And yeah, I won. The prize was a gift certificate in a bookstore, Ha!. that was sweet. Here’s the link : Bookstagram Post


6. The Book Thief by Markus Zusak


I’m just gonna share a part of my review on goodreads to explain why I reread this book.

Zusak did a fantastic job on showing us how powerful reading is, and what a book can do to one’s soul. And he even let Death speaks to us. Amazing!!! Death , indeed, can come in any hour and we won’t even be prepared for it. In general, this book, is an EPIC read. I think this will be one of thosebooks which will never be forgotten due to its message and the story itself is a tale everyone should know. Powerful, realistic characters, and powerful message. What more can we ask for?

Oh and I also said,

And God, give me a hundred synonyms for great and I’ll use them all to describe this book. Or the movie. 

Ha! if that doesn’t explain why. anyway, I just reread my review, (obviously) and was I couldn’t believe I was the one who wrote that review. It was very direct and wow, somehow, well-written. Hahaha. I think I didn’t write that review. If you wanna see it: The Book Thief Review Just be warned though, there were spoilers.

7-10 These Romance Novels

Yeah I could’ve chosen more famous books like Jane Eyre or maybe Pride and Prejudice. Or even The Notebook. As much as I love those books, I have no plan of rereading them in the near future. They’re too long and SERIOUS. And my reason for rereading these books is for the sake of pure pleasure. And so that’s why I have them together. I actually have already re-read Devil in Winter and Kiss an Angel.

1. Kiss an angel by Susan Elizabeth Phillips
2. Devil in Winter by Lisa Kleypas

There you have it guys…

What do you think of these books? and have you read any of them? What books are in your TBR forever? I’m interested because I want my list longer.

So let’s chat. 🙂













47 thoughts on “Top Ten Tuesday #11 – Top Ten Books I’ll Re-read Forever

  1. I’m with you on the romance books, when it comes to books I read again and again I always feel it should be a classic but it’s always contemporary romances I reach for. Currently it’s The Hating Game and Him that I keep dipping in and out of. Love those books, they just make me smile.

    I also agree with Harry Potter and anything by Leigh Bardugo. I would however add The Hunger Games. I recently ‘re read and got so much out of it.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Him? It was an M/M ROmance right? I have it but haven’t read. I’m planning to take a week reading LGBTQ novels.. 🙂 🙂

      The Hating game should be in my list too but *deep sigh*.. this meme requires only ten.. hahaha…
      And OMG, yeah, of course the Hunger Games..
      Oh God, there are just PLENTY/…

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Six of Crows. Gosh this book seems to appear everywhere! Its got to be a hint. I have already put it on my to read list… I guess there is no escape from having to read this book 😂
    Also yes on Harry Potter and the Lunar cronicles. I read those 4 books last year and loved them! ❤

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I love Lisa Kleypass stories as well ♥
    And I’m really looking forwards to The Help, I’m just waiting to forget the movie so that I can merely focus on the book!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks again… Believe me, I also missed so many posts this week.. I just come here to post and yeah I feel guilty for somehow ignoring other’s posts.. But Im kinda buys on my writing these days.. I have to take advantage of my muse being active. Hehe. 🙂 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Of course. I do blog hopping every now and then and just go through a bunch of blog posting for 1-2 bloggers. So hard to keep up with everyone and I only have a few moments every day to catch up lol.

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