Top 5 Cozy Reads [Top 5 Tuesday #10]

Hi Guys,

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This meme is hosted by Shanah from Bionic Book Worm and she comes up with these  amazing topics we can work with. This week’s topic is Top 5 cozy Fall Reads. Cozy reads, for me, are books I feel like I don’t have to use my brain so much and I’m reading just for pure enjoyment. Books I don’t have to worry about being hurt or disappointed with. Also these books, I tend to reread when I feel bored and in slump. 🙂

Btw, I posted my Fall TBR last week and if you want to check it out, you can go Here. 


Top 5 cozy Fall Reads:

1.) The Kiss Quotient by Helen Hoang 


This is a new favorite. This, I can say is really pure enjoyment. It’s a perfect blend of romance and steam. I think others might find this TOO steamy because the guy, an escort, is teaching the lady about sex and the lessons can be really graphic. But for me, it’s just perfect steam, unlike erotica books. The reason is because while being steamy, each scene manage to exude much romance not just lust. Do you know what I mean? My Review

2.) Simon vs. The Homo Sapiens Agenda by Becky ALbertalli


If you’ve been reading my blog, you’d know I’m not so into YA Contemporary anymore but I always make an exception. And this book is one of those exceptions.  I wouldn’t call it unique because really certain plot points can be find in thousand other YAs, exactly my problem with YA (sorry YA) but this book with its diverse characters who act so real but not stupidly managed to capture my heart and interest. Oh and did I mention I met Simon’s parents? Yeah, parents are present in this book. My Review

3.) The Duchess’ Deal by Tessa Dare


Tessa Dare is the latest added to my list of favorite HR authors. Her books are just complete delights. Strong heroines and hilarious, swoon-worthy heroes. The Duchess Deal, out of ten books I read from her is my  favorite. I can’t tell much, but if you haven’t read any Historical Romance, start with Tessa Dare’s books, start with THIS book.

Review soon.


4.) The Wall of Winnipeg and  Me by Mariana Zapata


Now, this is what I call a perfect cozy read. I just wanna lie on a couch, with blanket draped on me, with coffee or wine beside me and cuddle with this book. I wish this book is longer so I can stay with it longer. The Wall of Winnipeg and Me is a perfect story of slow-burn romance and all I can say is that this book made me FEEL.

My Review

5.) After the Night by Linda Howard


Romantic suspense? Linda Howard is the woman for it. And I’m not even ashamed that I’ve recommended this book so many times already. This is my favorite. It’s full of angst and at some point I thought it will hurt me but it didn’t. There are parts that might’ve upset me in other books but in here, I enjoyed them. Also because they made the book a strong read.

My review.

Lol… It’s almost liked  I recommended authors and not specific books. But one thing you should know about me is that once I read something good from an author, I’d read four of their other books before moving on to another author. Seriously me.

Okay, so let’s chat. What do you think of these books? What genre/s and books you consider as cozy reads? What makes a book a cozy read? And do recommend me your fave books. 🙂


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33 thoughts on “Top 5 Cozy Reads [Top 5 Tuesday #10]

  1. Well, with the days becoming shorter (and colder lol😂), these are definitely good books to read in bed, with a nice cup of hot chocolate or something like that! Great list! 😊
    (Ps…I have done a little promo for your blog on this month’s installment of bloggers in the spotlight! 😊).

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Haha, well…I do have to say that in autum and winter I usually read more than during the other seasons. So it wouldn’t suprise me if I end up reading a bit more books the upcoming weeks! 😊😊
        And of course really no problem! 😊😊

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Maybe we should read something together. Let’s buddy read or something and talk about it on twitter, maybe by halloween, a thriller or horror book?

          I always say, I’m not good with buddyreading because I read so fast but I promise I won’t. hehe. We can choose a book and read it the whole November. That is if you’re not busy.

          Liked by 1 person

          1. Well…that sounds like a great idea! 😊 I don’t think I’ll be too busy in November (although I never can promise with my work lol😂), but it should be okay. Will probably be making some preperations for the anime awards collab that I have going in decemberm but I’m pretty sure that I should be able to read one book in November 😊
            So…cool idea! Definitely in for that, and horror/thriller books are my favorites, so count me in! 😉

            Liked by 1 person

            1. Cool! I am too. Haven’t yet thought about which one to read, but I think you know more about books than me (No…I don’t think: I KNOW you know more about books than me lol) So I will let you do the choosing, but if I think of something, or might come across an interesting novel, I will let you know 😊

              Liked by 1 person

            2. Hehe… I’m thinking of a Stephen King’s book… I’ve always wanted to read more of his books but.. ACtually I don’t have any reason why I always pushed his books behind . hehe.. Will think of something…:)


  2. I am on the list for The Kiss Quotient at the library. When I saw this title, I automatically thought of cozy mysteries because I read so many, but you are right one that cozy reads do not have to be mysteries.

    Liked by 1 person

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